Winner BBC Competition

Britain’s Best Home Cook Gita, really was the Mistry contest

Gita Mistry with James Martin

Compliments to the cook were in order as Gita Mistry was crowned Britain’s Best Home Cook in the Grand Final of BBC 2’s Eating with the Enemy.

Gita managed to impress the ruthlessly blunt restaurant critics throughout the arduous competition to secure the title. The formidable judging team: Jay Rayner of The Observer, Toby Young of the Evening Standard, Charles Campion, author of the London Restaurant Guide and Kate Spicer, freelance food critic, used their professional taste buds to judge the dishes prepared by the aspiring home cooks, with Gita Mistry coming out on top!

Give Gita’s award winning recipe for Potato with cashew nut and lime leaf, served with cucumber raita a try for yourself and keep your eyes pealed for Gita – this isn’t the last you’ll see of her!